Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Of No Importance

Recent events have brought home how public the lives of public figures really are. The word celebrity takes on new meaning upon their deaths. In the words of my darling daughter, it has not been a good time to be a celebrity. Maybe it is because we see so much and hear so much about these people that we think we know them and have a right to a window into their private selves.
I was never a MJ fan - although Kaylee had a MJ poster at the appropriate time in her life. I thought he was near genius in talent and skill. However, let's face it he just became so strangely unhinged that the mere sight of him caused me to avert my eyes.
Recently a congressman who has decided to make himself relevant by publicly discussing MJ's many flaws has had his mug all over the TV. All the things that everyone was unwilling to say about him in life they feel free to pontificate very publicly on in death. Honestly, no one could say anything about Michael that I haven't either thought or said myself. But really does it change anything to buzz this around now that he is gone? He was most likely all the things that are spoken of and probably more. However, there are some children who have lost someone in their lives. I like many others wonder what those kids have seen, heard and been subjected to in their short lives and probably more to come. But at this point negativity will only serve to injure them further.
Everytime someone famous passes - every washed up or insignificant personality manages to get their face on TV and talk about how well they knew the deceased and what great friends they were. One has to wonder if they really knew him and were so close wouldn't they be consumed with a sense of loss which would render them unable to talk about him. Instead they try to boost their own careers by capitalizing on his death.
For my part I pray that there will be peace!

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