Saturday, June 9, 2012


Few words in the English language have as many different meanings. Coupled with adjectives, HEART can range the whole spectrum of the human condition. KIND HEART, TENDER HEART, SOFT HEART, BIG HEART, COLD HEART, HARD HEART, BROKEN HEART, BLACK HEART. HEARTS can sing, HEARTS can ache, and sometimes a HEART just simply breaks. Even when a HEART breaks, it can mend and often becomes a stronger instrument for the breaking. The ability to push through difficult times is to have HEART. The talent for identifying with others and their struggles is to have HEART for their plight. One cannot live without HEART - either in the real physical sense or in the more intangible social sense. Sometimes we must guard our HEART, sometimes we give our HEART away and often we have to take a moment and heal our HEART. No one can tell us how long it takes a HEART to heal, for they are unique to each individual. So, the next time someone says, "Oh, have a HEART!" Remember you already do, but you might need to exercise it a little.