Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happily Ever Disaster


Good old Yahoo! Just as I am feeling completely depressed and weary, they can be counted on to give me an uplifting tidbit to write about. NOT!  I’m starting to think Yahoo may be owned by the Kardashians since they seem to have a feature piece at least once a day.   But this is NOT about the Kar-dashes…….or is it?

Apparently the new trend going around is a little something called a Divorce Ring. You know just a little token to commemorate the end of a significant part of your life. Proof positive that no matter what bad thing you are dealing with – someone is going to figure out a way for THEM to capitalize on it.

It seems it isn’t enough for 2 sets of lawyers to benefit from your pain and suffering, now jewelers want in on a little slice of agony as well. Rings of all sorts – bouquet nuggets shoved in a dead bird’s beak, a diamond dagger through a broken heart definitely exhibit sick and twisted creativity at its’ best.  Pricey little tokens proclaiming that one or the other of you or maybe both failed at marriage.

There is one plain band (less than $100.00) bearing the message TRADE UP. Apparently, this is for women as it has been my experience that men have the tendency to TRADE DOWN.  You know a younger, fresher model – one with a little more shelf life. Please notice I.Did.Not. say “after they have sucked the life out of the one they have.”  Doesn’t mean I didn’t think it.

Happily, you don’t HAVE  to reincarnate your ring to participate in the celebration of the death of your relationship. You can merely purchase a casket for your ring. Oddly enough it seems you don’t bury the casket, you simply keep it on your mantel as a conversation piece. Yep, there’s a conversation starter for you, right up there with the explanation of the hairball your cat just hacked up on the sofa.

I’ve been around the track a time or two. Once with a plow horse, once with a race horse and I am currently going around again. I’ve never felt the need to commemorate the end of a relationship. It is actually very sad to me. I have memories and mostly they are good. I have two children I am grateful for and those are the tangible treasures I keep.

My children are living proof that even though I may have failed in a relationship, I succeeded in doing something very right and worthy. They are my happy thoughts and memories. I think I will dwell on those and not ever feel compelled to keep a token of the sad and not so pleasant parts of life. But, that’s just me.

………and how was your day? I would really like to know.


Pura Vida said...

I'm selling my gold bands for gold to put in my pool fund

LKB said...

Good for you!