Saturday, April 21, 2012

If Wishes Were Horses–Beggars Would Ride


There are times (and this is one of them) I WISH I could turn back the clock, or better still flip the calendar page back 2 weeks.  With the clarity of pre-cognition I would change much.  I WISH I could.

I WISH I could take some things and hold them still so the inevitable would never happen.  I WISH I could speak wisely and say “look out for the gopher hole – you will not recover from stepping in that one.”

If wishes were horses this beggar would try valiantly to ride to the rescue.  But they aren’t and I can’t.  So the beggar will sit by the side of the road and watch the impending train wreck and pray there are no casualties, that somehow the switching station will operate correctly and the train will NOT jump the track.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bless the Beasts & The Children


……….scrape………….scrape….tap,tap,tap.  Testing 1-2-3, mic check, mic check!

I’ve drug my soap box to the center of the room, climbed up and tested my microphone.  I’m about to get all over something that makes me furious.

I just heard a story about a couple who was present at the birth of their adopted daughter.  The adoptive father cut the child’s umbilical cord and with that act along with the biological parent’s signing over their rights – three people became a family.  A good family.

A beautiful child went home with two loving people who worshipped her and got busy with the business of raising a happy healthy individual.

Now 2 years later, she has been ripped from the arms of her “parents” put in a car with people she doesn’t know and driven 1200 miles away from her home.  Why?  Because the biological father has changed his mind and some judge in their infinite wisdom? has decided biology trumps everything.  It is also heavily weighted in the fact that the father is of an ethnicity different than the parents because that ethnicity is being diminished. HUH?  This one child is going to save an entire race of people?  Wow!

I’m willing to admit that the father regrets his decision and wishes he’d never made it – but does that give him the right to place his own feelings over those of the child who has never known anything but stability and love.  In my opinion – no, it does not.

I remember the two women in the Bible arguing over the child – and one saying “give HER the child” rather than have it harmed.  Is this not the sign of a real parent?  I have very personal experience in the nature vs. nurture arena and nature just isn’t all its’ cracked up to be sometimes.

For two years there have been countless colds, ear infections, bad dreams, cuts and scrapes along with first words, first steps, birthdays, Christmas trees, family gatherings full of hugs and kisses and full laps.  That child has learned who she can count on, who is always going to be there to kiss it better, make the boogie man go away and tickle her till she dissolves into hysterical fits of laughter.

At 2 she is well on her way to being the person she is supposed to be.  This change in geography, socio-economic levels and personalities could well arrest her development.  Isn’t it likely she will become confused about who she is and what has happened to the people she loves?  I know children are remarkably adaptable but there are some adaptations they shouldn’t have to make.

People make decisions everyday and often they live to regret those decisions.  However, for most of us we have to learn to live with the consequences of our actions.  I’m just not sure if deciding you don’t want a child and then changing your mind should give you an automatic do-over.

So…I will pray for little Veronika and her parents.  I will also pray for her biological father to understand she should come first always.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Pedestal Revisited

Today I once again watched someone with everything in the world to lose take both hands and throw it all away because of a series of bad decisions. I first wrote about this when Tiger Woods was going through his train wreck. I was amazed then and it continues to boggle my mind that some people never consider the ramifications of their behavior. While I certainly understand the temptations people are faced with I sure don't approve of them throwing caution to the wind along with their families and a boatload of other people who held them in high esteem.
I admit to a certain degree of frustration with the media who feels the need to pick and pick at something until they feel certain they've dug down to the truth. It has been my experience they continue to delve ever deeper and at some point began to find demons under every rock they find. After all, if you really want to you can make something evil out of just about anything.
All in all, I'm pretty tired of "famous" people whose problems get played out in front of the world for all to see. Aren't we lucky that WE are invisible humans and get to "hide" our stuff in our own lives where few see and even fewer know. Somehow that makes us feel better about ourselves.
However, you can't help but think about a person's position. We hold certain individuals up to the light of scrutiny after we have placed them on a teetering pedestal of human frailty. When the pedestal breaks and the person falls, depending on our own stake in their future, we judge them accordingly. Sometimes our own judgements are colored with convenient morality. We are willing to overlook things because it might affect us in some way if we insist on a higher level of integrity.
In my opinion, there was only One Who could stand on such a pedestal and be worthy of the position. How interesting that He didn't want to be on the pedestal, what he chose was a lowly cross with a couple of flawed humans.
Be careful who you place on your pedestal because while you are looking up at them you might miss the quiet voice whispering in your ear. He will not stand above you but He will walk beside you, comfort and sustain you and give you immeasurable peace.
So, today, I would like for us all to think about Who is on our pedestal. Who do we hold up as our example of how to live, how to treat others, how to forgive and most of all, how to endure?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happily Ever Disaster


Good old Yahoo! Just as I am feeling completely depressed and weary, they can be counted on to give me an uplifting tidbit to write about. NOT!  I’m starting to think Yahoo may be owned by the Kardashians since they seem to have a feature piece at least once a day.   But this is NOT about the Kar-dashes…….or is it?

Apparently the new trend going around is a little something called a Divorce Ring. You know just a little token to commemorate the end of a significant part of your life. Proof positive that no matter what bad thing you are dealing with – someone is going to figure out a way for THEM to capitalize on it.

It seems it isn’t enough for 2 sets of lawyers to benefit from your pain and suffering, now jewelers want in on a little slice of agony as well. Rings of all sorts – bouquet nuggets shoved in a dead bird’s beak, a diamond dagger through a broken heart definitely exhibit sick and twisted creativity at its’ best.  Pricey little tokens proclaiming that one or the other of you or maybe both failed at marriage.

There is one plain band (less than $100.00) bearing the message TRADE UP. Apparently, this is for women as it has been my experience that men have the tendency to TRADE DOWN.  You know a younger, fresher model – one with a little more shelf life. Please notice I.Did.Not. say “after they have sucked the life out of the one they have.”  Doesn’t mean I didn’t think it.

Happily, you don’t HAVE  to reincarnate your ring to participate in the celebration of the death of your relationship. You can merely purchase a casket for your ring. Oddly enough it seems you don’t bury the casket, you simply keep it on your mantel as a conversation piece. Yep, there’s a conversation starter for you, right up there with the explanation of the hairball your cat just hacked up on the sofa.

I’ve been around the track a time or two. Once with a plow horse, once with a race horse and I am currently going around again. I’ve never felt the need to commemorate the end of a relationship. It is actually very sad to me. I have memories and mostly they are good. I have two children I am grateful for and those are the tangible treasures I keep.

My children are living proof that even though I may have failed in a relationship, I succeeded in doing something very right and worthy. They are my happy thoughts and memories. I think I will dwell on those and not ever feel compelled to keep a token of the sad and not so pleasant parts of life. But, that’s just me.

………and how was your day? I would really like to know.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Random Sunday

Few things on earth more beautiful than Knock Out Roses in full bloom
Wise Mrs. Robin built her nest this year in the crook of the down spout. She and her brood will be safe here I think.
4 o'clocks a'risin - soon to be an integral part of my new side yard sun garden.
A beautiful gift from an even more beautiful friend. New home for the Hen and Chickens?
Mosquito Plant - something tells me we are going to need these by the dozens this year.

All in all a good Sunday!