Saturday, February 23, 2013

Playin’ Chicken


I've never understood the whole "chicken" thing as a description of a coward.  You know, you are driving your car hell bent for leather head on at another car and the first one to swerve away is “chicken?”

Chickens could be some of the bravest creatures on the planet. Think about it - there you are happily scratching the dirt for nature's little treasures when the farmer's wife comes strollin’  through the yard. With a pan of seed, waves her hand back and forth and dinner falls to earth like manna from Heaven.

Suddenly..............she snatches you up and with a quick little flick of the wrist you are running around the chicken yard WITHOUT.YOUR.HEAD.  Now instead of getting dinner, you ARE dinner.

And yet…….tomorrow - some loud mouthed testosterone filled rooster will announce to the world there are still lots of you available for frying and all your living feathered friends will exhibit the same enthusiasm for Mrs. Farmer as YOU did today.

Ah say....Ah say.....that, my no chicken!

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