Thursday, November 1, 2012

Words............with Anyone

I confess I spent more than a little time considering purchasing the board game. I mean really...this game has brought me more than a little entertainment. I've even made some new friends playing it. And, fortunately, I haven't lost any.....even though my friends with medical terminology routinely kick my booty all over the place.

But, I thought..."hey what a neat game to have around for those cold wintry evenings!" I was this close.....I mean....THIS.CLOSE. to pushing the purchase now button on Amazon when I had an increasingly random light bulb moment.

Isn't this merely Scrabble on steroids? Same premise....tiles on a board building cross word type frames. Isn't it? Really?

Yes, the board is a little different, the scoring is a little different, it is colorful and fun to look at....but it IS simply another incarnation of that board game I dare say we all have tucked away in a closet somewhere.'s the thing that could make this board game kick its older plainer cousin to the curb. Make it score for you, because for the life of me I can't figure out why a triple word, double letter, double word add on letter doesn't score you as much as the original word you tacked your letters to.

So.....I think I'll just go scramble around for the trusty Scrabble game and save myself twenty bucks plus shipping 'cause we all know, I'm going nowhere near Wal-Mart until after the holidays are over.

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