Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I never gave much credence to the whole Zombie furor. And then...there was that unfortunate incident in Florida.

But that was far away from me and given the fact Zombies move really slowly I figured even at my age and weight I could probably manage to outrun them.

Then today, in a town just a few miles away I saw evidence that they are indeed already in Arkansas and apparently are partaking of only the upper halves of their victims.

I have to admit given the nice round firm booties on these plastic lovelies they probably should remain for posterity's sake. But one wonders......how the heck are they still standing without their heads and brains. If they were male I could understand it. Oh gosh! Did I say that outloud?!


Pura Vida said...

do they want puppies?

LKB said...

They are SOL if they do....not giving my beloveds to Zombies. No, no.