Monday, October 3, 2011

A Love Letter To My KitchenAid Mixer


This is not my mixer.

It is my mixer’s younger prettier cousin.

My KitchenAid mixer is almost as old as my daughter., but you know what I’m saying.

My KitchenAid mixer has mixed up hundreds of cakes, pies, cookies, dog biscuits, bowls of whipped cream, mashed potatoes.  In short it has taken a lickin’ and kept on tickin’. 

This was some of the best $ I ever spent.  The only thing I have ever had to do to it was replace the whisk beater after I mistakenly let it eat a wooden spoon.

My fervent prayer is that my lovely old white KitchenAid with the chipped paint keeps on mixing things up in my kitchen for a long long time.  I’m not sure I could replace it either financially or in my affections.


Donna said...

I have never had a stand up mixer, maybe I should get one!

Kelly said...

Oh Lavetta I love mine too..I bet it is older than yours even! I inherited mine from Fred's Mom and I love is beat to heck and older than I am almost but it works great. As a matter of fact I just bought a new whisk and bread hook for it! Seriously considering the icecream maker attachment too. Its not pretty but its mine and I love it!!!