Friday, June 3, 2011

Shaving Her Legs For Jesus


So….it is not going to come as any great shock to most of you that I have a bizarre and twisted sense of humor.  Sometimes things are said or done that just tickle my funny bone and I can’t help it.

Maybe being overly tired contributes to it….perhaps I am just “tetched” in the head as my granny used to say.

Random conversations take interesting trips along my imagination highway and this week provided a particularly “ticklish” comment.

I won’t mention names……….you know who you are.  And, you shouldn’t be surprised because I warned you in advance that you would show up here eventually.  **This should serve as my disclaimer**

This week the whole conversation came up about shaving one’s legs.  Strangely enough there were more than females contributing to this conversation.  I will say that most of the testosterone set were vehemently advocating the necessity of doing said act frequently.

Into the thread came a sweet little person I have come to really really like making the statement that she used to always shave her legs on Sunday.

Well, that was all it took.  Ms. Ain’t I Quick As a Bunny With My Wit (namely me) remarked…….”Awww, you shave your legs for Jesus.”

It really isn’t that funny, but it still makes me laugh.  And personally, I think Jesus would be pleased to know that his child wanted to give him the best she had when she entered into his presence.

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